Delta One Canines
Dog Training & Behaviour services,
Responsible Dog Ownership Course
Business Key Points & Qualifications
Retired Police Dog Trainer Instructor,
Member British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers,
Honorary Life Member Canine Behaviour & Training Society (Formerly U.K. Registry of Canine Behaviourists),
Member & Instructor National Association of Security Dog Users,
Instructor British Association of German Shepherd Dogs.
Fully Insured.
About us
After retiring from the Police Force after serving 30 years mainly as a dog handler and Dog Training Instructor, I formed Delta One Canines in 1999 as a business to assist pet dog owners understand and get the best out of their pets.
Delta One provides training and behavioural consultations for pet dog owners. All training is delivered on a “One to one” basis so that owner and dog can progress at their own pace without distractions. We are committed to providing training and behavioural advice that is effective, acceptable and affordable.
We believe that education of dog owners results in better behaved, manageable dogs that have a better quality of life than they may otherwise have had. Dog ownership should be a pleasure for all concerned. Training venue is in Coventry but visits for behavioural consultations can be made throughout the Midlands
Behavioural consultations
Behavioural consultations for owners experiencing specific problems with their dogs. The consultation allows the cause of the problem to be identified and then successfully addressed.
Puppy Consultations.
This enables the new puppy owner to be guided on the correct ways of rearing their puppy. It ensures that they do not do things in the early stages that are likely to cause problems as the puppy matures. Far better to avoid a problem that let one develop and then have to be addressed.
Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme.
Delta One Canines are Kennel Club Listed which allows us to both train and assess dogs for this scheme. Bob Haynes has been an assessor for the scheme since its inception. All associate trainers are qualified up to Gold Standard.
Responsible Dog Ownership Course
Delta One Canines were approached some years ago by West Midlands Police to establish and deliver a "Responsible Dog Ownership Course" for dog owners who had offended at a low level against the Dangerous Dogs Act. The course has further evolved over the years and is now an excellent learning platform for both pet owners and professionals in the dog world.

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