UK based Pet Directory that checks all businesses carry the correct insurance and where necessary qualifications / training and licences to carry out the services they offer.


The Pet Directory Services is designed to help professional businesses to show case their services to pet owners. The Pet Directory Services only allows businesses that hold the correct insurance, qualifications and licences where necessary to carry out the services they offer.


List your business with the Pet Directory Services helping pet owner's feel reassured that they are hiring the best pet professional for their requirements. It is easy and affordable. Join and be amongst the BEST and most highly regarded pet businesses and get connected with a UK-wide audience of pet owners. 

Why list your business on the Pet Directory Services?


Unlike a lot of the other directories, we check all documents and draw up all business listings and add them to our directory. 


We want our directory to be open to all professional pet businesses and their needs. We offer 3 types of listings Premium, Basic & Free. 


You keep 100% of your earnings, we do not take a percentage or any other fee for customers you gain through the directory.


Introduction from the Pet Directory Services for all new and renewing businesses on all of our social media accounts.


Advertise on our Facebook group page with no restrictions or waiting approval. Only businesses listed on the main directory with a basic or premium listing can post business related posts on the group page.

Extra advertising at no additional cost.


All listings are shared across our own social media on a regular basis (Basic & Premium listings only)


BLOGS (all listing businesses)

For extra free advertising you also have the opportunity to add blogs to our blog page, which are shared across all our social media with links to your contact details.


FEATURE POST - (Basic & Premium listings only)

Chance to have a feature post, on our website and social media accounts to show case your business in more depth.


POST IN OUR GROUP PAGE AT ANYTIME (Basic & Premium listings only)

Promote your business on our Facebook group page with no restrictions or waiting approval from admin. (


To register your business on the directory click the link below or scan the QR code.


Click here open the Registration FormPDSregistration

If you have submitted your business for a premium or basic listing your you can approve your listing via the link below once it is ready

Approve your listing