Cat & Small Animals Treats & Accessories

Snuffle Monsters
Healthy, honest, top quality dog and cat treats at a low cost, along with handmade Snuffle Mats and Snuffle Balls in three different sizes

Crazy Cat
‘Making Cats Happy’ Catnip & Valerian Toys, Bespoke & Personalised Gift Boxes for all occasions. Catnip & Valerian Toys & Kickers, Real Fur Toys
UK Delivery
email: crazycatuk@outlook.com

Bridge Street Pets
Bridge Street Pets Ltd is a pet store based in Wellesbourne. Catering to all animal species, supplying everything from food to accessories.
7 Bridge street, Wellesbourne CV35 9QP

Hooman's Friend
Hooman's Friend has a line of eco-friendly dog products, including leashes, collars and toys made from a material known to humanity for thousands of years: HEMP!
We make our items from strong and durable hemp material to ensure your dog doesn't absorb nasty micro plastics while still looking stylish! We believe whatever touches your dog, becomes part of your dog.

My Cat Grass
My Cat Grass is the UK’s only pet food grade supplier of a range of Cat Grass Products. We offer Premium Seed Pouches, Grow Your Own Kits and Ready Grown Cat Grass. Our entire range of Cat Grass products are pet food grade, certified organic and use soil association approved soil – no coir, vermiculite or other inert and dangerous growing mediums. Our seeds are sourced direct from British farmers.
We also offer Cat Grass Stations the hygienic and modern way to serve cat grass to your cat.
All products are available as one off orders or on subscription.
Facebook: mycatgrass
Instagram: mycatgrass